My mom was born in Hong Kong and immigrated to the U.
Tags : Family
My dad began working in public health in his twenties, studying and tracking in order to fight the HIV/AIDs outbreak in China.
When I was really young, I didn’t realize that my mom looked different than her siblings.
My grandmother died last year in September. It was a ten year battle with a disease that attacked her white blood cells and eventually she just became weaker and weaker.
A lot of people say I resemble my Dad. We couldn’t be more different.
My grandpa passed away back in March 2020, 15 months shy of my university graduation.
Trigger Warning: Eating Disorders & Suicide When I first started seeking therapy for my eating disorder, my therapist asked how many times I binged and purged, I said, “I dunno, three or four times a week?
My parents immigrated to America from a small city in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India.
I had my first direct encounter with the law at age 10.